Updates & Upcoming

Updates & Upcoming

Wow! What a couple of weeks I’ve had. On Wednesday, as part of WORDfest Crawley I interviewed two of my favourite writers at Crawley Library. Dead Rich by William Shaw, writing as GW Shaw, has been described by one reviewer (ie Me) as “Die Hard on a Yacht.” The book...
My Year in Books

My Year in Books

It’s been a weird year.Let’s face it: The last few years have been like a never ending bin fire of Nonsense. But in amongst it all, there has – as always – been one constant: The power of books to transport me, to comfort me, to inspire, enervate and help...
Couture Kart

Couture Kart

Me, in the late seventies. Re-enacting a scene from “Whatever happened to Baby Jane?” with my father. It would be twenty years before I’d drive again. Noticeable is the open doors of some of the houses; nobody locked their doors then. Also the almost total absence of...
Everything Happens: Dark, Deranged & Delightful

Everything Happens: Dark, Deranged & Delightful

Jo Perry is well known and loved, round these parts, for her series of “Dead is…” books featuring Charlie & Rose. Those books – which I have described as being what would happen if Samuel Beckett wrote a crime series, as well as being “Like ‘The Wire’ meets ‘The...
Inspiration, Persperation & Paris

Inspiration, Persperation & Paris

I’m writing this on a train trundling to London to meet up with a couple of police officers (one serving and one newly retired). I’ve started the new book and realised that there are a bunch of things I don’t know that I think I really should. So the plan to ‘pants...