
Rachel Stirling asked me to share my thoughts around Rewrites. She was charming and so lovely to write for (though I did no rewrites) Click below to find out what I had to say...

Saturday Sonnet #9

'landscape' No-one ever really sees the lonely; They hang around in angry gangs of one And look at passers-by aloof and ston’ly; A cabal of the lost and the undone. I’ve been there and return there sometimes still, Though I’m surrounded by a world of love. Inside, a...

Saturday Sonnet #8

  ‘process’ I sit before a screen devoid of words and wait for something smart to come along. Ideas, skittish as a flock of birds, are steadfastly withholding their sweet song. This moment – now – the doubt begins to speak Of how the things you write are...

Saturday Sonnet #7

Having spent the weekend at CrimeFest, I've become familiar with the dangers... So, in tribute, I wrote a Sonnet...   <Insert Obligatory Somewhat Buzzed Publication day Gin & Beer Pic> On The Dangers of Believing What Authors Tell You Their Books Are...

Saturday Sonnet #6

‘taste’ “You can’t do Jeffrey Dahmer” says the voice Inside my head that censors what I say “A gag about a cannibal?” “My choice” I counter then begin to tap away. Til inspiration blinds me as It glints Into a scene in Woody Allen’s head That features several...