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Updates & Upcoming

Wow! What a couple of weeks I’ve had. On Wednesday, as part of WORDfest Crawley I interviewed two of my favourite writers at Crawley Library. Dead Rich by William Shaw, writing as GW Shaw, has been described by one reviewer (ie Me) as “Die Hard on a Yacht.” The book...

Saturday Sonnet #8

  ‘process’ I sit before a screen devoid of words and wait for something smart to come along. Ideas, skittish as a flock of birds, are steadfastly withholding their sweet song. This moment – now – the doubt begins to speak Of how the things you write are...

Saturday Sonnet #6

‘taste’ “You can’t do Jeffrey Dahmer” says the voice Inside my head that censors what I say “A gag about a cannibal?” “My choice” I counter then begin to tap away. Til inspiration blinds me as It glints Into a scene in Woody Allen’s head That features several...

Featured Author

So, I was the featured author on Charlie Cochrane’s blogs this week. The first time – apart from a Fahrenheit chat when Death of a DIva was released – that I’ve been interviewed. Typically, I agonised over the answers – do I want to...