Thursday Sonnet

Thoughts on the British Situation by a visitor to South Africa “We’re all in this together til we’re not,” Said Tessie as she stood before a crowd And said “Of Auslanders we’ll soon be shot” “Huzzah!” “Hooray” They cried as one aloud, As “Them and Us”...

Saturday Sonnet #9

‘landscape’ No-one ever really sees the lonely; They hang around in angry gangs of one And look at passers-by aloof and ston’ly; A cabal of the lost and the undone. I’ve been there and return there sometimes still, Though I’m surrounded by a world of love....

Saturday Sonnet #8

  ‘process’ I sit before a screen devoid of words and wait for something smart to come along. Ideas, skittish as a flock of birds, are steadfastly withholding their sweet song. This moment – now – the doubt begins to speak Of how the things you write are...

Saturday Sonnet #7

Having spent the weekend at CrimeFest, I’ve become familiar with the dangers… So, in tribute, I wrote a Sonnet…   <Insert Obligatory Somewhat Buzzed Publication day Gin & Beer Pic> On The Dangers of Believing What Authors Tell You...

Saturday Sonnet #6

‘taste’ “You can’t do Jeffrey Dahmer” says the voice Inside my head that censors what I say “A gag about a cannibal?” “My choice” I counter then begin to tap away. Til inspiration blinds me as It glints Into a scene in Woody Allen’s head That features several...

Saturday Sonnet #5

friday In hindsight, some despair is evident, But, hey, what else are you supposed to do when pheromones, it seems, are heaven sent, and order you, put bluntly, to go screw? Whilst every single Gay in London town Comes freshly from the Spa or from the Gym, you squeeze...